State Named Honoree Nomination Form

The AAUW of VA Named Honoree award honors those who have made exceptional contributions to furthering AAUW’s mission and priorities statewide.

The 2023 AAUW of Virginia Named Honorees are Caroline Pickens, Sandy Lawrence, Patsy Quick, Kristin Moyer, and Lisa Sales.  There was no nominee for 2024.

To nominate someone as a 2025 AAUW-VA Named Honoree, please read the instructions below.


The nominee may be an AAUW of Virginia member whose actions have had statewide impact by providing outstanding service or exceptional contributions to AAUW of Virginia.  The committee may also consider a non-member, branch, or organization that has provided exceptional service to the state in furthering the mission and priorities of AAUW of Virginia.

Detailed information must be presented with the nomination that substantiates the contribution and service of the nominee.

Nominations may be made using the form below.

Nominations must be received by NOVEMBER 17, 2024

2025 State Named Honoree Nomination Form

This nomination is for
If the nominee is an AAUW Member, please provide:
If the nominee is an AAUW of VA branch:
If the nominee is an Individual who is NOT an AAUW member, please provide:
If the nominee is a Non-AAUW Organization, please provide:
Nominator information
If you have questions or need additional information, contact Ann Johnson at
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.