- Sandy Lawrence
- Sharon Zackula
Sandy Lawrence & Sharon Zackula
Northern District Co-Representatives
The Northern District consists of 11 branches: Alexandria, Arlington, Fairfax City, Falls Church Area, Greater Manassas, McLean Area, Mt. Vernon, Reston-Herndon, Springfield-Annandale, Vienna Area, and Woodbridge.
An annual district meeting is held each fall, and there is also a meeting at the annual state conference for all district members attending the conference. In January/February there is a branch leaders’ meeting. Please contact either of us if you would like more information about the AAUW of Virginia’s Northern District branches.
Just a note that the Women’s History Museum has designed a number of virtual programs that they will present for a branch for $50. You can learn more on their website: https://www.womenshistory.org/events/virtual-field-trips