Mini-Grants APPLICATIONS FOR 2025-2026 are open. Please review the Application Instructions before submitting a mini-grant request. Choose category of planned activity:*Tried and TrueBold and NewTitle of planned activity:*Date of planned activity:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Location and venue of planned activity:*Branch(es) submitting this application:*Full name of applicant: Full Name*Email* Phone*1. Briefly describe your planned activity: (a) What do you plan to do? (b) Who will be your audience? (c ) Name(s) of any organization(s) collaborating with you?2. Financing the planned activity: (a) What will be the total cost? (b) How much are you requesting to support this activity? (c) What expenses will the grant be used for? (d) If other parties/sources are collaborating with you, what funds are they contributing? NOTE: If this activity is approved, when it is completed all receipts for expenditures must be itemized on a Reimbursement Request Form and submitted to the AAUW-VA VP for Finance.3. Promotion of AAUW Public Policy Priorities: (a) Which public policy priority does this activity advance? (b) How?4. Anticipated Outcomes: (a) What are the goals of this planned activity? (b) How will achievement of the goals be measured?5. AAUW Recruitment: (a) How will the planned activity promote recruitment to AAUW? For example, would your branch be able to distribute membership materials in conjunction with the activity, advertise the activity in local press, and/or implement other recruitment activities?6. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: (a) Will the planned activity promote and enhance aspects of diversity, equity, and inclusion within AAUW and in the community? (b) If so, how? NOTE: Branches awarded mini-grants will be required to provide a brief report to the Mini-Grant Committee on the results of the project, level of participation, and other relevant information to document the activity and the extent to which its objectives were met. Δ