
Melissa Jackowski, AAUW Public Policy staff, Carla C. Whitfield, superintendent of the Booker T. Washington National Monumnet, and Milton Rowan, chair of the History and Socxial Studies Department at Ferrum College, discuss the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act

Melissa Jackowski, AAUW Public Policy staff, Carla C. Whitfield, superintendent of the Booker T. Washington National Monumnet, and Milton Rowan, chair of the History and Socxial Studies Department at Ferrum College, discuss the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act

Melissa Jackowski, AAUW Public Policy staff, Carla C. Whitfield, superintendent of the Booker T. Washington National Monumnet, and Milton Rowan, chair of the History and Socxial Studies Department at Ferrum College, discuss the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act