Welcome to AAUW of Virginia!

AAUW advances gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy. 

Celebrating Over 140 Years and Looking Ahead


AAUW of Virginia 2025 Conference

On March 28, 2025, join us in Alexandria as the AAUW-VA centennial celebration begins, and we jubilantly begin our second century.   Make a room reservation now! More information on the Conference page HERE.


EQUAL PAY DAY. This symbolic day denotes how far into the year women must work to be paid what men were paid the previous year. Equal Pay Day 2024 was on March 12 and marks the current state of the gender pay gap: 84% for full-time workers and 78% for all workers (including part-time and seasonal).

Because the pay gap varies significantly among different communities, particularly for women of color, other Equal Pay Days have been added to the calendar over the years to reflect that fact that many women must work far longer into the year to catch up to men.


  • Latina’s Equal Pay Day – October 5
  • Native Women’s Equal Pay Day – November 30


  • Equal Pay Day – March 5
  •  International Women’s Day – March 8
  •  AAPI Equal Pay Day – May 3


Is AAUW new to you? 

Welcome!  Learn about AAUW National HERE.  Keep scrolling/clicking on these pages to learn about AAUW of Virginia. Find Virginia branches HEREContact us and we will respond quickly!

You don’t have to be a member to become a Two-Minute Activist!  Sign up HERE.  With this tool, it takes just minutes and an internet connection to make your voice heard on issues impacting women and girls!  You will receive AAUW’s Action Network’s urgent e-mail notices and text messages when your advocacy is needed most.

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Check out AAUW’s recent webinars.


The wage gap for many women of color is not only wider than the overall gender wage gap, but it is also closing more slowly. Read more HERE.

Imagine having to work seven extra months just to earn the same pay as a male co­-worker.  Read the research from AAUW: Systemic Racism and the Gender Pay Gap. (A supplement to The Simple Truth)

Honoring Over 50 Years of Title IX!

With 37 words, Congress changed the face of education. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 states: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

Learn More.

Don’t forget, if you need answers, attend AAUW Virtual Office Hours!

AAUW Branch Leader and AAUW Staff Meetings to Respond to Questions

Our virtual “office hours” are a unique way to share feedback with AAUW National staff and get real-time answers to your questions.

Learn More: Connect2AAUW Virtual Office Hours

Register for AAUW’s New Financial Literacy Program

When it comes to economic security, many women face significant challenges. A racial wealth gap and a wider-than-average gender wage gap make it difficult for many to get on firm financial footing. AAUW’s new series of free virtual workshops is aimed at supporting women at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Women’s Colleges and Minority Serving Institutions. Our goal is to help you budget, save and plan for the future.  Learn More.

The Gender Pay Gap

No matter how you analyze it, the gender pay gap is real, persistent and harmful to women’s financial well-being.  GET THE FACTS.When women get equal pay — and equal opportunity — they, their families and all of society will thrive. To get there, we need to embrace diversity, equity and inclusion. LEARN MORE.We need to update our laws to ensure all workers can take home a fair paycheck, and the Paycheck Fairness Act is one big piece of legislation aimed at just that. We must call on all elected officials to listen to voters, who overwhelming support pay equity, and work to pass this important bill. And it must happen now.

Fast Facts: Mothers in the Workforce.

Urge your senators to do their part by supporting the Paycheck Fairness Act today!

Two Minute Activist: Pass the Paycheck Fairness Act


Find information, resources, activities and more on the menu bar above: “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” or directly on our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion page here.

How to Support AAUW’s Mission

Catch up on recent webinars!

AAUW is committed to staying connected during these difficult times, so we’re providing regular webinar content for our communities. National staff and outside experts bring you engaging programming on the issues most important to you. Check out the  recordings from past webinars and look out for news of upcoming online events!

 View a variety of engaging webinars HERE.

The Pay Gap: Why does it matter?

The pay gap has lifelong financial effects that grow over time, from the ability to pay for education and childcare to saving for retirement, impacting women in nearly every profession. The Work Smart program teaches women at all stages of their career how to negotiate their pay, resulting in improved financial futures for themselves and their families.


National Members!

We appreciate your membership and encourage you to attend upcoming events at an AAUW branch in your neighborhood. Click on Branches for information about a branch near you.